VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Conscious Emergence
Voices of Conscious Emergence with singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice, Chloe Goodchild. "Given the turmoil that humanity faces – individually and collectively – I am inviting teachers and authors in the fields of sound, spirituality and the new sciences, to participate with me in unlocking and activating the tools and skills required for the evolution of courageous and compassionate communication. We will explore our diverse artistic disciplines as spiritual practice, highlighting the transformative power of communication on the planet at this critical time."
VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Conscious Emergence
Ep.24 | David Lorimer, writer, lecturer, poet & editor
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with writer, lecturer, poet & editor, David Lorimer, discussing compassion, love, movement, vibration, intuition, humility, and much more.
The VOCE Dialogues offer a simple, accessible in-depth ground for poets, authors, musicians, visual artists, and visionary teachers to share and disseminate their insights about the transformative practice of contemplative, creative and compassionate communication.
David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA is a writer, lecturer, poet and editor who is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network (www.scimednet.org) and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society (www.swedenborg.org.uk). He has also been editor of Paradigm Explorer since 1986 and completed his 100th issue in 2019. Originally a merchant banker then a teacher of philosophy and modern languages at Winchester College, he is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Survival? Death as Transition (1984,2017) Resonant Mind (originally Whole in One) (1990/2017), The Spirit of Science (1998), Thinking Beyond the Brain (2001), The Protein Crunch (with Jason Drew) and A New Renaissance (edited with Oliver Robinson). He has edited three books about Beinsa Douno: Prophet for our Times (1991, 2015), The Circle of Sacred Dance, and Gems of Love, which is a translation of his prayers and formulas into English. His new book of essays, A Quest for Wisdom comes out at the end of 2020.
David is a founding member of the International Futures Forum and was editor of its digest, Omnipedia - Thinking for Tomorrow. He was also a Trustee of the St Andrews Prize for the Environment and a Churchill Fellow in 1978. His book on the ideas and work of the Prince of Wales – Radical Prince - has been translated into Dutch, Spanish and French. He is the originator of the Inspiring Purpose Values Poster Programmes, which has reached over 350,000 young people.
He is also Chair of the Galileo Commission which seeks to widen science beyond a materialistic world view.
Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life. Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research into the voice as a catalyst for personal evolution and global transformation.
Contact Chloë
Email now@thenakedvoice.com
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