VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Conscious Emergence

Ep.7 | Anne Baring, author & Jungian analyst

August 29, 2019 Chloe Goodchild / Anne Baring Season 1 Episode 7

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with author and Jungian analyst Anne Baring, discussing awakening compassion, healing the wounded heart of humanity, the voice and sound.

The VOCE Dialogues offer a simple, accessible in-depth ground for poets, authors, musicians, visual artists, and visionary teachers to share and disseminate their insights about the transformative practice of contemplative, creative and compassionate communication.

Anne Baring is a Jungian analyst and the author and co-author of seven books including, The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image with Jules Cashford (1992); The Mystic Vision (1995) and The Divine Feminine (1996) with Andrew Harvey; and Soul Power: an Agenda for a Conscious Humanity (2009) with Dr. Scilla Elworthy. Her most recent book, published in May 2013, is The Dream of the Cosmos: a Quest for the Soul. Her work is devoted to the recognition that we live in an ensouled world and to the restoration of the lost sense of communion between us and the invisible dimension of the Cosmos that is the source or ground of all that we call ‘life’. Her website is devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice.

Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life. Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research into the voice as a catalyst for personal evolution and global transformation.

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