VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Conscious Emergence
Voices of Conscious Emergence with singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice, Chloe Goodchild. "Given the turmoil that humanity faces – individually and collectively – I am inviting teachers and authors in the fields of sound, spirituality and the new sciences, to participate with me in unlocking and activating the tools and skills required for the evolution of courageous and compassionate communication. We will explore our diverse artistic disciplines as spiritual practice, highlighting the transformative power of communication on the planet at this critical time."
VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Conscious Emergence
Ep.9 | Alison Goldwyn, Founder of Synchronistory
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Founder of Synchronistory, Alison Goldwyn, discussing resonance, self-enquiry, the emotional climate crisis, Synchronistory, duality and much more.
The VOCE Dialogues offer a simple, accessible in-depth ground for poets, authors, musicians, visual artists, and visionary teachers to share and disseminate their insights about the transformative practice of contemplative, creative and compassionate communication.
Alison Goldwyn is a native New Yorker with a background in music, psychology, and the performing arts.
In the 1990s Alison relocated to London, Paris and then Istanbul, to film the pilot for a Reality TV series she developed for Turkish television. “Bana iyi bir şey söyle” (Tell Me Something Good) was a half hour weekly news format devoted exclusively to good news in and around local communities. Alison befriended a Turkish entrepreneur and together they mounted the rudimentary phase of her longstanding vision; to create a music-inspired global event that would celebrate and connect everyone on earth during a live, 3 hour simulcast. By 1996 she was on her way … first partnering with David Niven Jr. and a U.N. driven millennium endeavor before shifting to the Paris based media group where she remained thereafter. Hence, the first incarnation of what would become Synchronistory – initially as a global millennium event.
Alison’s passion is exploring the byways of human nature with an inquisitive cultural eye – be it the inner realms of the psyche or the outer reaches of the universe. Her soulful connection to music enriches this journey. Her great hope is to usher in a modern day Renaissance, inspiring Individuals and Industry worldwide to live more consciously, conscientiously, and authentically by creating a dynamic entertainment context that sparks their imagination through enlightened education-entertainment. Edutainment.
To that end Synchronistory has created a global charity to champion the cause. Birth on Earth; The B’earth Foundation. Its unusual mission is to build free, nondenominational learning institutions on each continent devoted to a singular and fundamental theme – one which radically transcends the “art of living” to the heart of living, in all its challenges …How to Be a Human.
Additionally, Alison writes about Sync for Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global … is an Affiliate of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, two time Nobel Nominee Professor Ervin Laszlo’s Club of Budapest & Institute for New Paradigm Research and John Bunzl’s global governance platform Simpol.
Synchronistory represents Alison’s signature venture on the global media frontier. She continues to reside in Europe where her company is based and is writing a book about her “odd-yssey” with all the pathos and humor of the global know-mad she’s become.
Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life. Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research i
Contact Chloë
Email now@thenakedvoice.com
Tweet @TheNakedVoice
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